Private Sector
Healthcare & academic institutions
Private Sector
- Bombardier
- Lear
- Raytheon
- St Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
- Smith & Nephew
- Stryker
- State Volunteer Mutual Insurance
- MD Advantage Insurance
- Storz
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Air Force
- US Coast Guard
- Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement
- State of New Jersey
- State of Virginia
- WA State Workers Compensation
- Tennesseans Improving Patient Safety
- New Hampshire Healthcare Commission
- Virginians Improving Patient Safety
Healthcare & Academic Institutions
Healthcare improvement contract history and personnel experience:
- US DoD Medical: USAF and US Navy
- International presentations: United Kingdom, Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Puerto Rico, Mexico, US Virgin Islands
- Veterans Administration
- UK National Health Service
University Medical Programs and Hospitals:
- University of Missouri
- Vanderbilt